
Voices of Chicago

Rosellen Brown 223x165

Rosellen Brown

Author Rosellen Brown shares the thrill of having someone pick out one of her books.

Michael Harvey

Michael Harvey

Author, journalist, and producer Michael Harvey shares his secret to becoming a writer.

Cristina Henriquez

Cristina Henriquez

Author Cristina Henriquez doesn't need a bar; she's got the Library.

Kevin Guilfoile

Kevin Guilfoile

Author Kevin Guilfoile shares an important lesson in parenting.

Brigid Pasulka

Brigid Pasulka

Brigid Pasulka found liberty at her neighborhood library.

Ina Pinkney

Ina Pinkney

Books were there to help chef and restaurateur Ina Pinkney through her medical recovery.

Jian Ping

Jian Ping

Jian Ping dreamed of the books that were forbidden objects in her childhood, and is now overwhelmed with joy about the accessible treasures that take her to fascinating worlds.

Eric Sheinkop

Eric Sheinkop

Music entrepreneur Eric Sheinkop shares how his library helped him make a pivotal life decision.