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Innovation Lab

The Library's Maker Lab is part of the growing movement of hands-on, collaborative learning environments in which people come together to share knowledge and resources to design, create and build.

While a number of maker spaces exist in Chicago, this is the first free maker space in a public library.

Created in partnership with the Museum of Science and Industry, the Library's Maker Lab offers the public an introduction to technology and equipment which are enabling new forms of personal manufacturing and business opportunities.

The Lab offers access to a variety of design software such as Trimble Sketchup, Inkscape, Meshlab, Makercam and equipment including three 3D Printers, two laser cutters, as well as a milling machine and vinyl cutter.

The Maker Lab is made possible with a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) to the Chicago Public Library Foundation, the Maker Lab opened to the public in July 2013 and since then has received 44,100 visitors, and provided over 445 workshops and classes to more than 5,700 participants.

Visit the Library's website for a full schedule of Maker Lab workshops, open hours and drop-in demonstrations.

Making to Learn: What the Chicago Public Library and its patrons are learning as new members of the maker movement